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Proxy/Wingates/Socks Host
  Author: Ravish Ahuja
Added: 12/23/2002
Type: Tutorial
Viewed: 2464 time(s)
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Using Wingates with ICQ

In order to configure ICQ to work with a wingate just follow the following instructions:
Go to WinGate Setup Screen and click on the Proxies Tab
Press ADD
Select Type of Proxy: 'Mapped Link'
Press Create
Under the Settings Group check 'Enable Connections To Proxy On Port.' Put the number 3333 in this window.
Set The Socket Type to: 'UDP'
Make sure that 'Destroy Inactive Sessions after XXX seconds' is NOT Checked.
Make sure that 'Enable Default Remote Host' is Checked and set to: Port: 4000
For each remote machine:
Press Add.
In 'Connect Client IP' enter the IP of the remote machine
In 'To Host' enter
In 'Port' enter 4000
Press OK
Now press DONE.
You will now be at the main WinGate setup screen.
Make sure that there is a SOCKS4 Proxy Enabled on Port 1080
Press SAVE
Check it out at your remote machine
Remote Machine Configuration
If you still did not pass the ICQ Registration Wizard:
At the Registration Wizard under Connection Type register as a LAN User.
Choose 'I am behind a firewall or proxy.'
Click Next for the next dialog.
Choose either Socks4 or socks 5 server depending on the compatibility of the proxy server
Do NOT mark the firewall sessions time out
click Next for the next dialog.
Enter the servers' IP address using socks port 1080.
Click Next for the next to see if you have succeeded to register.
If you fail to register, you will receive the a dialog telling you so.
Try one or more of the following:
Click Retry to try again using the same settings.
Hit the Back button to change the firewall settings.
Click Cancel to abort. Reconfigure your firewall settings and try again by running ICQ.exe.
Additional Remote Machines:

For any additional Remote Machines on your network, Do exactly the same procedure as specified in Remote Machine. Use EXACTLY the same numbers and setup. You only have to look up the IP address of the Host one time on any one of the remote machines in its HOSTS file.

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